Monday, June 16, 2008

My favorite fingers

These are Cole's favorite fingers. Occasionally, he still sucks his whole fist as he used to do when he was first born. He was actually born with a little red patch on his hand from where he'd been sucking on it in utero. He's a pretty drooly little guy and he's started going through a bib an hour!

Saturday, June 14, 2008

Hanging out

Cole is really starting to love his feet. It's like he's just realized that they're always there - instant entertainment. He's been having a blast grabbing them and holding on for dear life. It's usually at inopportune times, like when I'm trying to change his diaper and I have to pry his white-knuckled grip away from his cute little toes.

It's been a chilly June in Seattle - hardly feels like summer at all. I've been back at work for two weeks now, but it doesn't feel like it since I've been working an abbreviated schedule. Next week will be the true test!

Monday, June 9, 2008

Better photos than Mommy takes

These are some of Cole's professional photos from his 100th day. I just can't get over what a cute little guy he is. We took him to the doctor for his 4 month appointment last week and he's already 17 pounds! He's in the 90th percentile for both height and weight. He must get that from his dad. =)

He had to get a few shots at our last visit. Despite babies screaming bloody murder in rooms on both sides, he took it like a champ and only cried for a little while.

Summer hat

I bought Cole this summer hat since I guess it's not good for babies under six months to wear sunscreen. We had a mini heat wave in Seattle that left Cole with a few sleepless nights and me calling air conditioning companies for installation quotes!

Hanging out with my cousins and my auntie!

We had a fun dinner with Michael, Lisa, MacKenzie and Sara. It was nice to see everyone - we haven't had a cousins get together in so long!
Then Aunt Crystal & Uncle Dave came to town and Cole had a great time showing off his toothless smile.